The Applecross Heritage Centre is a local museum and research centre run by volunteers from the Applecross Historical Society. We are beautifully situated with a unique Highland heritage.
Come on in – you’ll be very welcome!
’S e Ionad Dualchais na Comraich taigh-tasgaidh agus ionad-rannsachaidh ionadail a th’ air a ruith le saor-thoilich à Comunn Eachdraidh na Comraich. Tha sinn suidhichte ann an àite àlainn le dualchas Gàidhealach air leth. Thigibh ann – gheibh sibh fàilte mhòr!
Heritage Centre
The Applecross Heritage Centre is housed in a sensitively restored nineteenth century outbuilding of the old manse and glebe. It is operated by the Historical Society and its volunteers, and it was opened in 2003. It is a major plank of the Historical Society’s commitment to promoting knowledge of local history and culture.
The Centre contains displays, artefacts and records to interest locals and visitors alike in learning about the history of the area. In doing this it hopes to develop a sense of the unique nature of our community and how the past affects the present in A’Chomraich – the sanctuary.
Historical Society
The Society, established in 1998 and incorporated in 2000, collects and records information about the history of Applecross, arranges public lectures and disseminates information about the local area.
Applecross is a peninsula with many small villages and hamlets spread over approximately 30 miles of coastline. Today, the main tourist facilities are located around the 19th century village known as Shore Street, which visitors sometimes mistakenly think is called Applecross.
The Historical Society and the Heritage Centre are both run entirely by volunteers and depends on membership fees, income from the Heritage Centre and donations to operate. Click here for more information about the Historical Society.

Visiting Applecross Heritage Centre
Practical details
The Heritage Centre generally operates from April to October each year, and it is open from 12-4 pm, or by special arrangement. It is run by Volunteers who give their time on a regular basis over the season.
Entry fee a nominal £3 (donations above this much appreciated). All funds from visiting the Centre go towards its running and maintenance costs.
In addition to a wide range of exhibits, we also hold or display a range of pictures, records, books and maps. Volunteers can direct visitors to specific resources. If, following your visit, you wish to follow up on anything please email us at applecrossheritagecentre@btinternet.com and we will endeavour to help you.
We also have a small retail facility. Again all profits go directly into supporting the running of the Centre. You can also make a donation at the desk.